Canyonview Resort Club at South Mountain Preserve

  • Size: Varies Floating Wek 50,000 Points
  • Usage: Annual
  • Weeks: Floating
  • Price: $26,995.00

Deep in the wash, cutting through the heart of the resort, several coveys of quail begin their morning chant as the last wails of coyote fade away. A single quail’s voice is first heard, then another, and finally a scattering that swells into a lively chorus throughout the canyon. They awaken the cactus wrens, and a multitude of doves, sparrows, woodpeckers and other desert fauna. Including a lone golden eagle, one of the resident desert dwellers that can frequently be spotted gliding high above the resort. The Apache Indians, who frequently made this area their camping place, must have heard morning music just like this. It is nearly impossible for anyone who is in any way sensitive to the beauty and grandeur of nature to stand in this serene setting and not feel the power that the Pima Indians refer to as the "strong medicine" of the South Mountain Preserve. Here, we have rediscovered a special place to share with our resort owners and guests. A place of deep relaxation and natural beauty, gently cradled in the largest regional wilderness park preserve in the country, which covers over 50 square miles of pristine Sonoran desert. Trails leave directly from our resort, so guests are able to enjoy hiking just footsteps from their room.

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